Adapted Books

What are adapted / interactive books and how can we use them in Sunday school with our kids with special needs?

Adapted books are books that either have symbol support for beginning readers or interactive pieces added to involve the reader. You can adapt books you already own, or you can print and make your own! All you will need is a printer, laminator and Velcro!

When using an adapted book, you start with all of the pieces out of the book. While you read each page, the kid can match the picture that goes with each page. This is a great way to give purpose to reading, check for comprehension, and make reading more interactive.

When making adapted books out of online printable books, you can easily make interactive pieces to add to pages by printing additional pages at a smaller size (for example, choose to print 4 to a page).

Free Adapted Books to Print and Make:
Grab these two books about God's Love HERE!

See how I adapted this free online book about Christmas / Jesus' birth here.

This free book about David and Goliath is easy to adapt! I used the same method as I did above in the Nativity story.

Need a book about a specific Bible Story? You need to check out Lambsongs! They have a book for literally every story! I easily made these into adapted books by printing one copy at 2 to a page and another copy of the book at 9 to a page. Perfect size for matching pieces to each page in the book!


  1. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're an answered prayer!

  2. Your work is beautiful.Thank you.

  3. Thank you, Thank you,Thank you!!!

  4. How did you make them?? I am wanting to adapt bible stories for some special needs kiddos at our church :D

    1. Print, laminate, cut and Velcro! The links above are some great places for books. If you need more specifics on how to make them feel free to email me at breezyspecialed at gmail dot com. Happy to help!
